Vein Removal

SkinBusiness offers two technologies for the removal of vascular lesions, including telangectasia, cherry angiomas, spider veins and rosacea.

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Unsightly veins are a common complaint among both sexes and people of all ages. Removal of larger leg veins may most likely be treated with injections, but with smaller leg veins or facial lesions, a light-based device has been proven very effective.

Both technologies that SkinBusiness offers will not only deliver a vascular lesion removal treatment, but other treatments as well, making them a very useful device in any aesthetic setting.

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NaturaLight Pulsed Light System (IPL)

NaturaLase LP 1064nm Long Pulse Nd:YAG Laser System

When shopping for a Laser System, please refer to the page on our site titled "Shopping for Laser System"